# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Healthy black rice porridge, I moved out the purple clay pot to cook porridge today, and it was very soft and glutinous. Except for a longer time, there is no disadvantage! The black beans and red beans were soaked the night before, washed and washed with black rice and glutinous rice. I also added red dates and threw them directly into the purple clay pot. I used the multigrain porridge, and it was worth cooking for several hours! Black rice porridge nourishes qi and nourishes blood. It is said that it can also prevent hair loss. I will probably boil it once a week in the past week. Next time I will cook it in a health pot. The purple clay pot occupies a large area and takes a long time. Add some rock sugar when eating, rock sugar can nourish yin It has the effect of promoting body fluid, moistening the lungs and relieving cough, and has a moisturizing effect on the throat. Our children also like to eat rock candy. It is estimated that all children like to eat sweets. When the epidemic situation is a little uncomfortable in the throat, I am worried. Too many sweet things, now I throw one for him now and then.
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 养生黑米粥,今天又把紫砂煲搬出来熬粥了,熬得非常软糯,除了时间久点,没啥缺点!黑豆红豆前晚泡好了,洗干净和黑米、糯米我还加了红枣,直接丢进去紫砂煲,用了杂粮粥这一档,煲了好几个小时值得的!黑米粥补气养血,据说还能防脱,最近一星期大概都会熬一次,下次用养生壶煮煮看,紫砂煲占地大,时间久.吃的时候加点冰糖,冰糖能养阴生津,润肺止咳的功效,对咽喉有湿润的作用,我们家小孩也喜欢吃冰糖,估计是所有小孩都爱吃甜的,疫情当下喉咙一有点不适,心里就担心,以前不让孩子们吃太多甜的东西,现在是时不时的给他丢一颗.