Suddenly I wanted to eat cakes, so I bought four kinds in one go (and a wormwood ball with sesame filling) The mental evaluation is ranked from high to low: Longjing crisp, wormwood ball, mung bean cake, egg yolk crisp 1. Longjing Crisp is really delicious! Not greasy and really crispy, the green tea filling is not strong but very fragrant, eat a box in one go without stopping 2. Wormwood has only eaten red bean stuffing before, and it was amazing to try sesame stuffing for the first time! The glutinous glutinous rice is so delicious! The sweetness of the sesame filling is just right, and the full sesame fragrance is particularly satisfying! Soothed my little regret that I couldn't buy glutinous rice balls. However, the sweetness of the skin is high, and eating alone or eating too much will make you tired 3. This mung bean cake is flawless. The taste of mung bean cake is mixed with some sweet-scented osmanthus, which is better than the original taste, but it is a good degree. 4. I was very disappointed with this egg yolk pastry... I had eaten another egg yolk pastry before, and it was amazing, so this egg yolk pastry was a bit underwhelming. It's actually not bad, it tastes good. But the meringue is not very crispy, and the presence of Xue Meiniang's sandwich is not very high and not glutinous. The only good thing is that the salted egg yolk inside is delicious.
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忽然很想吃糕点,就一口气买了四种(还有一个艾草团芝麻馅) 心里评价从高到低排名是:龙井酥,艾草团,绿豆糕,蛋黄酥 1.龙井酥真的巨好吃!不腻而且真的很酥,绿茶馅味道不浓但是很清香,一口气吃一盒不带停 2.艾草团之前只吃过红豆馅,第一次尝试芝麻馅简直惊艳!糯糯唧唧太好吃了!芝麻内馅甜度刚好,满满的芝麻香特别满足!安抚了我买不到汤圆的小遗憾。不过皮甜度偏高,单独吃或者吃多了会腻 3.这个绿豆糕就无功无过,绿豆糕的味道混杂着一些桂花香,比原味好吃但是也就是属于不错的程度 4.这家的蛋黄酥让我很失望…我之前吃过另一家的蛋黄酥,特别惊艳,因此这个蛋黄酥有点没到达预期值。其实不算难吃吧,味道还不错的。但是酥皮不算很酥,雪媚娘夹心存在感也不是很高不够糯,唯一好评的是里面的咸蛋黄很好吃