# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 #🧨New Year’s Eve 🧃Vita Vita Winter Honey Lime ❤️ Clear heat and relieve greasy, refresh the stomach It's Chinese New Year, and the babies must have eaten a lot. They can't stop eating big fish and meat and seafood. While they are enjoying it, it is inevitable that they will get angry. Recently, I bought a large box of drinks from Hong Kong Vita New 🧃—Qingxinzhan Winter Honey Lime, after drinking it, it can clear heat and nourish, nourish and moisten the throat, and it can also refresh the stomach, relieve stagnation and promote body fluid. It is very worth a try🥰🥰🥰 The Vita Qingxin stack series is designed to bring the quiet realm of "calm and natural peace" to busy urbanites, so that they can have a half-day leisure time. , it can make people enjoy a moment of meditation and a quiet space at any time, forget all the heavy things for a while, relax and enjoy the leisurely moment of appreciating life. There are 5 flavors in this series. I bought this winter honey lime flavor. The fragrant and slightly sour flavor of lime is neutralized by the sweetness of honey. The taste is slightly sour and slightly sweet, which is much lighter than its signature lemon tea flavor. Drinking it is much more comfortable. It tastes better after being refrigerated. It relieves greasy and wakes up the stomach. After eating meat, a can of this will feel very comfortable and strong Amway! 🥰🥰🥰
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 #🧨过年畅饮🧃维他Vita冬蜜青柠❤️ 清热解腻,醒胃提神 过年啦,宝宝们想必吃得特别丰盛,大鱼大肉海鲜吃不停,在吃的过瘾的同时,难免少不了上火,最近买了香港维他新出品的一大盒饮品🧃—清心栈冬蜜青柠,喝了清热滋润、滋养润喉,还能醒胃提神、消滞生津,非常值得一试喔🥰🥰🥰 维他清心栈系列旨在为忙碌的都市人带来“心静、自然静”的恬静境界,偷得浮生半日闲,每款“维他清新栈”不单入口清新怡神,除带来味觉享受外,更能令人随时享受静心的一刻及宁静的空间,暂忘一切繁重事物,放松心情享受欣赏生活悠然自得的一刻。 这个系列有5种口味,我买的这款冬蜜青柠口味,青柠的芬香微酸被蜂蜜的甜味中和,口感微酸微甜,比它家招牌柠檬茶口味要清淡很多,而且喝下舒服很多,冷藏后口感更好,消腻醒胃,在吃食了肉食之后来一罐这个,会感觉非常舒服,强烈安利!🥰🥰🥰