# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # My roommate bought Xishangxi's sausages before and thought it was super delicious This time, Yami brought a pack In fact, I don't particularly understand the difference between the various intestines. I bought a first-class white oil sausage with a relatively high score. One pack contains five small packs of vacuum-packed white sausage There are two in each packet, about the length of a hand It is quite heavy to hold in my hand Share two common sausage practices in our family👇 🥬 Sausage Fried Chinese Cabbage diced sausage Put a small amount of oil in the pot and put the sausage in it when it is slightly hot There will be some oil in the sausage after frying Then add Chinese cabbage and stir fry until the leaves are soft This white sausage is sweet The fried Chinese cabbage is especially delicious, the whole cabbage has become sweet There is also enough salt in the sausage, so there is no need to add additional salt to the dish Super convenient and delicious 🍚 Braised rice with sausage Rice is washed with water according to the normal amount Cut the sausage into small pieces and put it in the rice Then you can add a pack of frozen vegetables (the combination of corn kernels + green peas + diced carrots) You can also dice the carrots separately Put the ingredients and rice into the rice cooker Just follow the normal cooking process. This is also what we often do when we are too lazy to cook. When you're all ready, you can go about your own business Wait for another ten minutes after the rice cooker is switched off You can eat steaming sausage braised rice 🌟Recommendation index: 4.8/5
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 之前室友买过喜上喜的腊肠 觉得超级好吃 这次下单亚米就带了一包 其实我不是特别明白各种肠之间的区别 就买了评分比较高的一级白油肠 一包里面有五小包真空包装的白油肠 每小包里有两根 长度有一只手那么长 拿在手里沉甸甸的 分量还挺足 分享两种我们家比较常做的腊肠做法👇 🥬腊肠炒大白菜 把腊肠切成丁 锅里下少量油 微微热的时候把腊肠下进去 翻炒之后腊肠还会出一些油 然后加入大白菜 翻炒至菜叶子变软即可 这个白油肠是偏甜口的 炒大白菜特别好吃 整个白菜都变得甜津津的 腊肠里也有足够的盐 所以菜里也不用额外放盐 超级方便又好吃 🍚腊肠焖米饭 米饭按照正常分量淘米加水 腊肠切小块 放入米饭里 然后可以加一包冷冻蔬菜(玉米粒+青豆粒+胡萝卜丁那种组合) 也可以单独切点胡萝卜丁进去 把食材和米饭搅和搅和 东西放进电饭煲 按照正常煮米饭的程序煮就好了 这也是我们懒得做菜的时候经常干的事情 全部准备好之后就可以去忙自己的事情 等电饭煲跳掉之后可以再闷十分钟 就能吃到热气腾腾的腊肠焖饭啦 🌟推荐指数:4.8/5