# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Happy today: super low calorie jelly~ "I'm thirsty for a drink... But I don't want to grow meat😣... It would be great if there was a drink that didn't make you fat! " ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Korea Jayone Jelly.B low-calorie low-fat jelly! 🌟Super low card! A box is only 7 kcal! One sip of milk tea is more than that 😂 🌟Servings🉑️! Pour out a small cup (this is the cup I gave away when I bought tiramisu), enough for a girl's afternoon tea👌 🌟 It tastes good! Slightly sour taste, light lychee taste, very thick taste, not very watery. Can be used both as a drink and as a snack 👌
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 今日份快乐:超低卡果冻~ “渴了想喝饮料.... 但是也不想长肉😣…… 如果有喝不胖的饮料就好了!” ⬇️⬇️⬇️ 韩国Jayone Jelly.B 低卡低脂果冻! 🌟超低卡!一盒只有7 kcal!一口奶茶都不止这个数了😂 🌟份量🉑️!倒出来满满一个小杯子(这是我买提拉米苏赠送的杯子),足够一个女生的下午茶分量了👌 🌟味道不错!微酸的口感,淡淡的荔枝味,口感挺稠的,不会很水。既可以当饮料也可以当零食👌