# 发现宝藏好店 # # 来亚米才知道的美食 # 🌟MAMA Tom Yum Kung Instant Noodles in Hot and Sour Soup $0.59 The price is too cheap‼ ️‼ ️Buy several packs at one time, one pack is definitely not enough. To be honest, when I first saw this instant noodles, I didn’t dare to buy it because it was too cheap 🙈 . There are seasoning powder packets, sauce packets and chili powder packets inside. The seasoning powder packet contains a super strong lemongrass flavor, so don't buy this if you don't like the lemongrass flavor. The noodles themselves have a slight salty taste. I just ate a little bit like this, and I think it is quite delicious. . ‼ ️‼ ️This noodle is not suitable for cooking for a long time, lazy people can soak it directly and eat it, about 3 minutes is enough. After I boil the seasoning, the house smells like lemongrass . This Tom Yum Kung soup is really fragrant, sour and spicy, it tastes really dry, after eating the noodles, I just dried up this bowl of soup
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yami_featured_image # 发现宝藏好店 # # 来亚米才知道的美食 # 🌟MAMA冬阴功酸辣浓汤方便面 $0.59 这个价格太便宜了‼️‼️一次性买多几包,一包是绝对不够吃哒。说实话一开始看到这个方便面不敢下手就是因为太便宜了🙈 . 里面有调料粉包,酱汁包和辣椒粉包。调料粉包里含有超浓的香茅味,所以不喜欢香茅味就不要买这个。面条本身就有点淡淡的咸味,我就这样干吃了一点,觉得蛮好吃的哦,当干脆面吃也不错🤣 . ‼️‼️这个面条不适合煮久,懒人可以直接泡来吃,3分钟左右就可以了。我把调料煮开了之后,家里都是香茅味 . 这个冬阴功汤真的太香浓了,酸酸辣辣的,这味道真的很干,吃完面条直接干了这碗汤