# 发现宝藏好店 # Calbee shrimp sticks come from the shrimps in the Seto Inland Sea and surrounding waters of Japan. The shrimp sticks in his family are cooked with whole fresh shrimp instead of farmed shrimp or shrimp meal. In addition to the delicious taste of natural original fresh shrimp, it is also full of calcium. Calbee prawn strips are quite generous, and you can smell the smell of the sea and fresh prawns as soon as you open the bag. This package has grapefruit black pepper flavor. The overall flavor is added grapefruit black pepper to the original flavor. Compared with the mildly spicy garlic shrimp I bought before, this one has a lighter taste, and occasionally sings a faint grapefruit flavor, bringing a little freshness. , but I don't think the black pepper tastes out. Overall, I think it is more refreshing than the original flavor, but not as delicious as the mildly spicy garlic shrimp, which is also a matter of opinion. The taste of the shrimp sticks melts in the mouth, and the crunchy chewing is very satisfying in the mouth. Anyway, watching TV one by one is satisfying, which makes people very enjoyable.
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# 发现宝藏好店 # 卡乐比虾条来自日本濑户内海及周边海域的海虾,他家的虾条不用养殖虾或虾粉,而是用整只新鲜海虾烹饪的,真材实料,保存了天然的原味鲜虾美味之余,还有满满的钙质。 卡乐比虾条本来份量就很足,一开袋就能闻到一股大海和鲜虾的气息。 这包是柚子黑胡椒味,总体味道在原味上添加了柚子黑椒,跟我之前买的微辣蒜虾比,这款味道清淡一些,偶尔还能唱到淡淡的柚子味,带点清新感,可是我觉得黑胡椒味道吃不出来。 总体来说,我觉得比原味多了一份清新,但没有微辣蒜虾的好吃,这些也见仁见智吧。 虾条口感入口即化,嘎嘣脆的嚼在嘴里很带感,反正看电视一口一条满足,让人很享受,一边吃虾条一边喝香飘飘好棒!