# 发现宝藏好店 # Have you been chasing the TV series [Zuofu] recently? If you don't have it, it is recommended to take a look. If you are chasing it. Is it the same as me? I want to eat the preserved egg that Guo Qilin Cue got. Preserved eggs are also called Songhua eggs. It really is a super inconspicuous egg. Appearance is dark. It doesn't actually smell good. But it's so miraculous. Bite down. Slowly. More and more memorable. There are also many ways to eat preserved eggs. I usually make preserved egg and lean meat porridge most often. And eat it directly with soy sauce. Especially breakfast. Dip the preserved egg with soy sauce to accompany the porridge. One is enough. Same as fermented bean curd. Special "save" Praise me for being a thrifty housekeeper!
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# 发现宝藏好店 # 大家最近有在追电视剧【赘婿】吗? 没有的话推荐看看哦.有在追的话. 是不是也和我一样.想吃被郭麒麟Cue到的皮蛋啦. 皮蛋也叫松花蛋. 它真的是一颗超级不显眼的蛋. 外貌黑不溜秋. 闻起来其实也并不是香的. 但是就是那么神奇. 咬下去.慢慢的.越来越让人回味无穷. 皮蛋的吃法也是超级多花样. 我平常最经常的就是弄皮蛋瘦肉粥 和直接沾着酱油吃. 特别是早餐. 用皮蛋沾酱油陪稀饭.一颗足矣. 跟豆腐乳一样.特别的“节省” 快夸我是一位勤俭持家的好宝宝!