# 发现宝藏好店 # The snail powder is a must-buy product every time I go to Yami. One of the reasons I like the snail powder is that I don’t need any other ingredients myself and I’m super full 😋 I have never tried Li Ziqi's snail powder, and I heard that this one is not so delicious, and the peanuts are moldy. Some time ago, I saw a promotion on Yami, from the original $4.99 to $1.99‼ ️You can't buy it at this price 🤣 Like other brands of snail powder, there is a package of dry powder, ingredients: peanuts, yuba, bamboo shoots and fungus, seasoning: vinegar, chili oil and soup bag I feel that her family wins by quantity. A packet of snail noodles can be turned into a full serving for two people. There are so many ingredients that you can't see the powder. I have to say that there are really too many yuba (other ones are too big in packaging 🤫) Maybe because I didn't have high expectations for it, so I think it's pretty good. This one is not as stinky as the other ones, and I don't know if I put too much water when I boiled it, and the soup dumplings are not spicy when they are cooked. At the end, there is a drop of chili oil 🤣 If you come across this price next time will buy again
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yami_featured_image # 发现宝藏好店 # 螺蛳粉是我每次上亚米必买的产品,喜欢螺蛳粉的其中一个原因是不需要自己另外配料也吃得超饱😋 一直都没试过李子柒的螺蛳粉,听到过这款没那么好吃,花生有发霉的现象。前段时间看到亚米上有促销,从原本的$4.99到$1.99‼️这个价格不买都不行啊🤣 和其他牌子的螺蛳粉一样,有一包干粉,配料:花生,腐竹,笋和木耳,调料:醋,辣椒油和汤包 感觉她家的以量取胜,一包螺蛳粉都可以变成满满的两人份,配料多到看不到粉了。不得不说腐竹真的超多(别家的就是包装大里面超级少🤫) 可能因为我对它的期望没有很高,所以我觉得挺不错的。这款没有其他家的那么臭,也不知道是不是我煮的时候放水多了,汤包煮出来也不辣,最后滴了一滴辣椒油🤣 如果下次还遇到这个价钱的话 还会买😂