# 画啦啦开课啦 # First experience of drawing lala course Because of the epidemic, our children are now taking online classes at home. Relatively speaking, they have a lot more time, and they are almost becoming TV fans! Grab it and experience a painting class, a painting lala art class. After seeing it in Yami's live broadcast room, I immediately signed up for him, rushed the ducks to the shelves, and had no interest in painting and finished it reluctantly😂 . After signing up, there will be a painting and lala overseas teaching and researcher who will contact us through WeChat to understand the basics of children's painting, and hope to cultivate their abilities through painting, and then arrange the time and install the software link. It is very simple and clear, and the software is easy to operate. There is also a preview course before the class, prepare the required materials in advance, and the content of the class "Variety House". When the class time is up, the teacher is already online and waiting. The teacher will first introduce the child and start the class after getting to know each other. There are two other children in the class. The child likes this very much. Pressure, he is afraid that his Chinese is not good. The teacher is very professional, and he constantly encourages the children by awarding awards during the class. At first, he will ask the children to draw a picture of the house in his mind, and then encourage the children in a way that is not so simple. Stimulate imagination and thinking to guide children. Draw the basic shape of the house, the background design, and how to color it. The teacher will let the child explain each step, and the teacher will comment and praise one by one, explain and demonstrate, and cultivate the children's innovative thinking ability. I think this is very good. It grabs the attention of the children. The whole class is concentrated in 60 minutes. Due to the time problem, the children have not completed the coloring. After class, they can submit the works to the teacher on the app. Overall Still good, the simple line house is replaced by a meteor room, and the background color is like flying into space? I don't dare to ask 😂, after all, every child is a genius full of imagination~~
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yami_featured_image # 画啦啦开课啦 # 画啦啦课程初体验 因为疫情我们家孩子现在是在家里上网课,相对地说时间多出了很多,都快成了电视迷了!抓来体验一把画画课,画啦啦美术课程,在亚米直播间看到后,就立马给他报名了,赶鸭子上架,对画画毫无兴趣心不甘情不愿的上完😂. 报名后会有画啦啦海外教研通过微信和我们联系,了解孩子画画的基础,希望通过画画培养哪方面的能力,然后安排时间和安装软件链接,非常简单明了,软件也很好操作,上课前还有个预习课程,提前准备好所需的材料,还有上课的内容“百变的房子”. 上课时间到时登入老师已经在线等了,老师会先跟孩子做个介绍,和相互认识后开始上课,上课时还有其他两个小朋友,这一点孩子很喜欢,一对一对他来说有点压力,他怕自己中文不行.老师很专业,在上课过程中不断以颁奖的方式鼓励孩子.最开始会叫孩子画一幅心目中的房子,再以“百变”不是那么单一的方式鼓励孩子激发想象力和思考引导孩子.画好房子外形基础,背景设计,如何上色~~每完成一步老师都会让孩子说明,老师再一一点评和表扬,讲解和示范,培养孩子的创新思维能力,我觉得这一点很好,抓住了孩子的注意力,整个课堂60分钟聚精会神地上完,由于时间的问题孩子没完成上色,课后等完成作品后可以在app上提交给老师.整体来讲还是不错的,简单线条房子换成了流星房,背景色彩像飞上太空了?俺也不敢问😂,毕竟每个孩子都是充满想象力的天才~~