# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # I recommend to you a low-calorie jelly that I will repurchase infinitely! Korean JELLY.B's candy substitute jelly has only 7 calories in a bag, and the flavors are also very rich, including lychee, peach, grape, blueberry, yellow peach, watermelon, and apple flavor. My favorite is lychee and peach flavor 🍑 The taste of the sugar substitute can still be eaten a little, but after all, it is delicious and not fat, and there is no guilt when eating it when you are greedy~ It is recommended that you put the jelly in the refrigerator. After testing it, the sweetness is more "real" and it is super delicious!
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# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # 给大家推荐一款我无限回购的低卡果冻! 韩国JELLY.B的代糖果冻,一袋只有7大卡哦,口味也非常丰富,有荔枝、水蜜桃、葡萄、蓝莓、黄桃、西瓜、苹果味的。 我最爱的是荔枝和水蜜桃味🍑 代糖的口感还是能吃出来一点的,但是毕竟又好吃又不胖,馋的时候吃也没有罪恶感~ 建议大家把果冻放在冰箱里,亲测冰过之后甜味更“真”,超级好吃!