##亚米神仙减肥好物# I really love konjac jelly so much. And my brand only looks for ORIHIRO. If you have to wear tights the next day. Just eat a bag of it at night. The next day you will be in great shape. It can be described as a real magic weight loss food. Because it is not only low calorie. The taste is really delicious. ORIHIRO has a wide range of flavors. This one is kiwi flavored. Contains 10% kiwi juice. So this kiwifruit series is not very heavy in taste. But the taste of the jelly is still as good as ever. My favorite is the green tea flavor.
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## 亚米神仙减肥好物 # 我真的太爱蒟蒻果凍了. 而且我牌子只认准ORIHIRO. 如果第二天要穿紧身衣的话. 晚上只要吃它一袋.第二天身材绝对棒棒的. 可谓真的神仙减肥好物. 因为它不仅低卡. 味道是真真好吃. ORIHIRO的口味系列很多. 这篇晒得是奇异果口味. 含有10%奇异果汁. 所以这款奇异果系列口味并不是很重. 但是果冻的口感还是一如既往的赞. 我最爱的还是青提口味.