The products that catch my eye now, two key points: ①You must look online: it makes people feel comfortable at first sight ②Low calorie, low sugar and low energy: 30+ sisters want to keep healthy😄 Nai Xue Sparkling Water 💭 fully combines the advantages of the two 💗I visit YAMI Yami almost two or three times a week, and I will basically be locked in as soon as a new product is released 🔒 I heard that this "Nayuki's tea" is already quite popular in China? It's the first time I've heard of it, and my curiosity is bursting 💓 💛I want to try every flavor, so I added the white peach flavor of pink powder and the light yellow lemon flavor, the appearance is very eye-catching! The body of the bottle that I thought was a glass bottle was actually a plastic bottle, which is also lightweight! 💗It is estimated that the bubbles are not very violent, so the sound of opening the lid 🔊 is small! But the bubbles keep jumping~ The white peach flavor is very strong, and you can smell the full peach fragrance when you open the bottle a little~ It doesn't smell enough when you drink it! Maybe I am more inclined to the peach flavor of the "vigorous forest"! 💛Let's try the lemon flavor again🍋I usually don't have a special fondness for lemons. I feel flat when I drink this sparkling water: it's neither sour nor sweet, so I can drink it for the sake of looks. 💗With its Slogan: 0 sugar, 0 calories, 0 fat Ladies and gentlemen, you have to buy a bottle to try! Absolutely no burden on body fat After the vitality forest sparkling water, this will be another popular drink! Which girl is not moved when she sees it, many girls are heartbroken💕💕💕 # 亚米神仙减肥好物 #
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现在能吸引我眼球的产品,两个重点: ①必须颜值在线:一眼看到就让人舒心的 ②低卡路里低糖低能量:30+姐姐想要养生😄 奈雪气泡水💭就充分集俩优点于一身 💗几乎每周都会逛两三次YAMI 亚米 ,一上新货基本就能被我锁定🔒听说这款“奈雪的茶”在国内已经蛮火的啦?我倒是第一次听说,好奇心爆棚💓 💛每种口味都想试一试,于是就入了粉粉的白桃味以及淡淡黄的柠檬口味,外观都很养眼哟!目测以为是玻璃瓶材质的瓶身,实则是塑料瓶,也算轻便! 💗估计气泡不是很猛,所以开盖声音🔊小小的!但气泡一直在跳跃~白桃味非常浓厚,瓶口揭开一点就能闻到满满的桃子香味~喝起来倒没有闻着味足!可能我更倾向于“元气森林系”的蜜桃味! 💛再来试试柠檬味🍋平常对柠檬没什么特别好感,这款气泡水我喝着就感觉平平:反正不酸也不甜,冲着颜值还是可以喝一喝的。 💗光凭它的Slogan:0糖0卡0脂 小姐姐们都得买一瓶试试!对体脂绝对无负担 继元气森林系气泡水后,这又将是另一款大火饮料!哪个女孩看到它不心动,不少女心爆棚呢💕💕💕 # 亚米神仙减肥好物 #