
Pancake Lab

#Manual title #A little bit of a girl 

Hello everyone, I am your pancake( ´ ` )

Today, the first issue of Panzi Lab bringsAlbionThe penetrating breast milk pro Measurement!

Speaking ofAlbion, it means that no matter how you buy or use the cake, you will never step on it. Lei's good brand. In addition to the healthy water that has been repurchased indefinitely for three consecutive years, this time I would like to recommend the second girl to introduce I use penetrating No. 1 milk. 

Everyone knowsAlbion that it is recommended to breastfeed before watering, but in fact The choice of this milk is also different from person to person. When I first came into contact with healthy water, the pancake once picked the wrong milk to penetrate< /span>. I choose the most moisturizing one for oily and acne-prone skin 3Number Milk. Tianlalu, a big summer pancake in New York Directly owning a big oil field for acne breakouts. At that time, I also had a bad impression that penetrating milk was not easy to use . 

Until a few months ago, the second girl gave me a detailed analysis of my skin condition, and she selected 1 under her recommendation. span> No. milk, it's not so easy to use! After applying the Cell Repair Serum, squeeze three pumps of the penetrating milk onto a cotton pad, from cheek to cheek, then forehead, The nose, nose and chin are familiar and wiped off. Finally, apply healthy water, perfect (Wang Zulan imitates.jpg) 

Skin care products are said to be arsenic of A and honey of B, but whether it is good to use depends not only on personal skin quality, but also on whether you have picked the right one.  Piezi shares her homework with you here. First, penetrate the milk pointsI, < /span>II,III 3Size. No. 1 is the most refreshing, No. 2 is medium, and No. 3 is the most moisturizing. The understanding of pancakes is, choose No. 1 for oily and mixed oily skin, No. 2 for neutral non-picking skin, and No. 3 for dry and desert skin. Choose the number, it depends on the demand. < span class="s3">The permeable milk is divided into two types: pink and blue. The pink cake I bought this time is the main one The function of moisturizing and moisturizing, the coordinates of California are very good in winter and spring, and it is slightly thicker in summer.. The blue version is the foundation of moisturizing Added whitening effect.. I used blue before pancakes, probably2After about a month and a half (yes, I have a big face and a smile), the whitening is not obvious, but in terms of use, blue is lighter and thinner than pink, which is suitable for summer Use.  I did my homework before buying and saw that some people say that pink contains mineral oil, which is not Completely suitable for acne-prone skin. The cake is not an ingredient control, and I have not gone into this issue, so this cannot give an answer⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄ But it is really blue, lighter and easier to absorb< span class="s1">. 

Summary is, moisturizing degree3number"2No.1; pink moisturizing, Blue whitening. Comparison of the same size, blue is lighter and less greasy than pink.

Thank you for watching my water (safety) order (profit), I am your pancake, see you in the next issue( ´ ` )

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#手動加標題 #有點想二姑娘 

大家好,我是你們的餅子( ´` )


說起Albion,那是餅子怎麼買怎麼用都不會踩雷的好牌子. 除了連續三年無限回購的健康水以外,這次要推薦的是二姑娘介紹給我用的滲透一號乳. 

大家都知道Albion家是建議先乳後水的,但其實這個乳的選擇也是因人而異的. 在剛接觸健康水的時候,餅子曾經挑錯滲透乳. 混油皮有痘痘的我竟然挑了最最滋潤的3號乳. 天啦魯,在紐約的大夏天餅子直接擁有一塊爆痘大油田. 那時候也落下一個壞印象,覺得滲透乳不好用. 

直到前幾個月二姑娘給我詳細分析了我的皮膚狀況,在她的推薦下選到了1號乳,簡直不要太好用! 塗完細胞修復精華之後,擠三泵滲透乳在化妝棉上,從腮側到臉頰,然後額頭,鼻子鼻翼和下巴的熟悉抹開. 最後敷上健康水,完美(王祖藍模仿.jpg 

護膚品這東西雖說是甲之砒霜,乙之蜜糖,但好不好用除了看個人膚質,也看有沒有挑對.  餅子在這裡跟大家分享一下功課. 首先,滲透乳分IIIIII 3個號. 一號乳最清爽,二號乳中等,三號最滋潤. 以餅子的理解是,油皮混油皮選一號,中性不挑皮用二號,乾皮沙漠皮用三號. 選好了號數,就看是看需求. 滲透乳分粉紅色和藍色兩款. 餅子這次買的粉色,主打就是保濕滋潤的功能,座標加州冬天春天用很不錯,夏天略厚重些. 藍色款是在保濕的基礎上加了美白的功效. 餅子之前用過藍色,大概2個半月左右用完(是的我臉大,微笑)美白沒有很明顯,但就使用感來說,藍色比粉色更輕薄一些,適合夏天用.  買之前做功課看到有人說粉色是帶礦物油的,並不完全適合痘痘肌膚. 餅子不是成分控,沒有去深究這個問題,所以這個給不了一個答案⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄ 但用起來確實是藍色更為輕薄易吸收一些. 

總結就是,滋潤程度3號》2號》1號;粉色滋潤,藍色美白. 同號數對比,藍色比粉色輕盈不油膩.

謝謝大家耐心看我水水的曬(安)單(利),我是你們的餅子,下期見( ´` )