# 亚米神仙减肥好物 #Low sugar and low oil black sesame dumplings To say which flavor of glutinous rice balls is my favorite, it is the black sesame and peanut glutinous rice balls that suit my heart the most. It's a pity that I didn't buy black sesame and peanut dumplings this year. I happened to have a can of pure black sesame powder bought by Yami at home, so I decided to try to make black sesame and peanut dumplings by myself. The black sesame and peanut dumplings are a bit complicated to make, because the sesame seeds are not easy to form into small balls. Let me share with you a recipe that I have personally practiced successfully. 🥙Materials: 250g of glutinous rice flour, boiled water (160g-190g, add it to the glutinous rice flour while putting it aside until it forms a ball), cooked black sesame powder (130g, if not, fry the black sesame and grind it with a blender), 35g cooked peanuts, 45g icing sugar ( It can be added or reduced according to personal preference. The sweetness of this amount is very low. If you like sugar, you can add more), butter 30g, lard 35g (you can use butter instead) If you want to make quicksand feel, you can put more oil (160g) and sugar (80g). Although the appearance will be better, but it is high in oil and sugar, for the sake of health, it is better to eat the version with less oil and less sugar. 🥣 Practice: 🍀1. Melt the butter in water, and mash the cooked peanuts (only raw peanuts can be cooked quickly in the microwave. I mash the peanuts in a bowl, which better retains the aroma of the peanuts. If there are no conditions, you can use a fresh-keeping bag crush with a rolling pin, do not use a blender, it will lose its aroma). 🍀2. Put black sesame powder, icing sugar, butter (I don't have lard in my house, all use butter) and icing sugar into a large bowl, mix well, add chopped peanuts, mix well and form a ball. This step is a bit difficult to operate, because the sesame and peanuts are not easy to knead into a group, you can add a little butter and stir. 🍀3. Divide the filling into 10g/piece directly, put it in the baking pan, and refrigerate it in the refrigerator (about 30 minutes), the purpose is to make the filling hard. 🍀4. The steps for mixing noodles are the same as those for purple potato dumplings, see the previous post. 🍀5. Roll the dough into long strips, divide into 17g/piece, and roll into small balls. 🍀6. Gently press the dough into a flat shape, add the black sesame ball filling, wrap the filling, and roll it into a ball. 🍀7. Put the wrapped glutinous rice balls into a pot of water one by one, cook on medium heat until all the glutinous rice balls float up, then you can start eating. The boiled black sesame and peanut dumplings have a translucent outer skin. When you take a bite, the aroma of black sesame and peanuts is strong and completely stimulated. With the faint milky aroma of butter, it is really delicious! 🥰🥰🥰Babies have a chance to try it! ✌️
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# 亚米神仙减肥好物 #低糖低油的黑芝麻汤圆做法分享 要说汤圆哪个口味我最爱,还是黑芝麻花生汤圆最合我心意。可惜今年没有买到黑芝麻花生汤圆,正好家里还有一罐亚米买的纯黑芝麻粉,决定尝试自己动手做黑芝麻花生汤圆。黑芝麻花生汤圆做起来有一丢丢复杂,因为芝麻不容易搓成小团。给大家分享一个我亲自实践成功的方子吧。 🥙用料: 糯米粉250g, 开水(160g-190g,边放边加入糯米粉中直到成团),熟黑芝麻粉(130g,没有的话黑芝麻炒熟后用搅拌机磨碎)、熟花生35g, 糖粉45g(根据个人喜好可添加或者减少,这个量做出来的甜度很低,喜欢糖的可以多加点),黄油30g, 猪油35g(没有的话都可以用黄油代替) 想要做出流沙的感觉的话可以多放油(160g)和糖(80g)。虽然卖相会好一点,但是高油高糖,为了健康,还是吃少油少糖的版本吧。 🥣做法: 🍀1. 黄油隔水融化,熟花生捣碎(只有生花生的话可以微波炉快速弄熟,我将花生放在钵里捣碎,更好的保留了花生的香味,没有条件的话可以用保鲜袋装着擀面杖压碎,不要用搅拌机,会失去香味)。 🍀2. 把黑芝麻粉、糖粉、黄油(我家没有猪油,全部用黄油)、糖粉放入大碗中,混合均匀,在加入花生碎,拌匀,成团 。这一步操作起来有点困难,因为芝麻和花生不容易搓成团,可以再加点黄油搅拌。 🍀3. 成团后的馅料直接分成10g/个,摆入烤盘中,进冷藏室冷藏(约30分钟),目的是使馅成型变硬。 🍀4. 和面的步骤和紫薯汤圆一样,参见上一篇晒货。 🍀5. 将和好的面团搓成长条,分割成17g/个,然后搓成小球状。 🍀6. 将面团轻轻压成扁平状,放入成型的黑芝麻小球馅料,包住馅料,搓圆即可。 🍀7. 包好的汤圆一个个开水下锅,中火煮到所有汤圆都浮起来就可以开吃啦。 煮熟的黑芝麻花生汤圆外皮半透明,咬一口,黑芝麻和花生的香味浓郁,被完全激发,加上黄油淡淡的奶香味,真的十分美味哦!🥰🥰🥰宝宝们有机会试试!✌️