# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # # 爱吃又想瘦 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation8604efeed8cd4c6926efeed8cd4d9ab29e829 Goujiao, this magical food for weight loss, only 10 calories in such a large box, so eating this meal replacement will keep you full, and you will not be afraid of getting fat with this hot pot, 0 fat and 0 sugar, ultra-low calorie, hot pot, salad, roast Meat, and so on eat too much. I used to call this konjac all the time, but when I came to Yami, I found out that I could also call it Gou 😅 The Yuquan brand is well sealed, with a layer of packaging on the outside and another box inside to seal it. I washed it several times with water first, then put it in the pot and boiled it. According to the instructions, it is enough to cook for two minutes. If I cook for a while, it will not become soft and rotten, and it will not affect the taste. It tastes cottony and delicious.
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# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # # 爱吃又想瘦 # # #神奇减肥好物# # 苟蒻条,这个减肥瘦身的神奇食物,这么一大盒才10卡,所以说吃这个代餐管饱,而且用这个吃火锅都不怕胖,0脂肪0糖分超低卡路里,火锅,凉拌,烧肉,等吃法太多了。 以前我一直叫这个魔芋,来了亚米才发现还可以叫苟蒻😅 鱼泉牌这款,密封性好,外面一层包装,里面还有另外一个盒子密封住。 我先用清水清洗几次,然后下锅煮,说明写的煮两分钟既可,我多煮一会也不会软烂,不会影响口感,吃起来棉啾啾的,很好吃😊