# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # # 爱吃又想瘦 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation70ce94f8f53748729a0 Hawthorn is always related to weight loss, because of 3 major reasons (see Figure 4 and Figure 5 for details) 😄😄😄😄😄 This green field organic dried hawthorn is really the best dried hawthorn I have ever bought since I came to the United States. The peel is ruddy, the flesh is fresh and white, no preservatives, no pigments, natural and organic. The ones I bought in Asian physical supermarkets were much worse than this one, but I will post them on Yamibuy in the future, haha 😄 Hawthorn is rich in nutrients and can also lose weight, which is really a good thing! Dried hawthorn is generally used to boil water, but if you want to lose weight, remember to put less sugar or change it to rock sugar brown sugar or even sugar substitute. It can also be used for roasted meat or vegetables, such as sweet and sour pork ribs, sweet and sour pork loin, sweet and sour lotus root and other sweet and sour dishes.
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# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # # 爱吃又想瘦 # # #神奇减肥好物# # 山楂总是和减肥扯上关系,因为3大原因(具体参见图4和图5) 😄😄😄😄😄 这款绿野牌有机山楂干,真的是我来美国以来买过的成色最好的山楂干了,果皮色泽红润,肉质新鲜白净,不含防腐剂,不含色素,天然有机。 以前在亚洲实体超市买的比这个差很多,以后就钉在亚米网了,哈哈😄 山楂营养丰富还能减肥,真是个好东西啊! 山楂干一般是用来熬水,但想要减肥记得少放糖或改成冰糖红糖甚至代糖。也可用于烧肉或菜,譬如糖醋排骨,糖醋里脊,糖醋莲藕这类甜酸味道的菜。