# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # Barley green juice is a powder formed by grinding barley seedlings. It is a very good natural health care product, both adults and children can drink~ Its calories are very low, only a few calories per bag, green juice contains many trace elements, vitamins, dietary fiber, active enzymes, etc., which can play a good role in accelerating the body's metabolism and preventing the absorption of sugar and fat. Drink an appropriate amount every day, long-term supplementation can improve the acidic constitution, which is conducive to the maintenance of the body, and the detoxification and beauty effect is great!
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# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # 大麦若叶青汁是用大麦幼苗经过研磨之后形成的粉末,是一款很不错的天然养生保健产品,大人小孩都能饮用~ 它的热量非常低,每袋只有几卡路里,青汁中含有许多微量元素,维生素、食物纤维、活性酵素等,对于加快身体的新陈代谢、阻止糖分和脂肪吸收能起到良好的作用。 每天饮用适量,长期补充可以改善酸性体质,利于身材的维持,排毒美颜效果杠杠的!