# 亚米神仙减肥好物 #Original forest white peach soda sparkling water, no longer need to drink drinks and worry about fat growth‼ ️🥰 Yuanqi Forest is definitely the most popular beverage brand in the past one or two years. It stands out among the beverage brands with its excellent packaging and unique taste. Babies who drink a lot of beverages are inevitably a little worried about the high sugar content and easy to gain weight, so the sparkling water of Yuanqi Forest is specially prepared for the babies who love to drink beverages! Its sparkling water is actually 0 calories, 0 fat, 0 sugar‼ ️It's amazing that there is wood there‼ ️Babies who haven't tried it can enter the pit‼ ️ 🍑Appearance and packaging This white peach-flavored sparkling water is its representative masterpiece. The white packaging gives people a particularly pure feeling. The pink peach looks so attractive. People will want to buy it and give it to it. 's designer likes it! 🍑 Taste Since it is sugar-free and fat-free, many babies worry about whether the taste will be bad! It is very responsible to say that you can really taste the taste of peach juice, but it is a colorless and transparent sparkling water with plenty of bubbles, without the astringency of ordinary soda water, slightly sour and slightly sweet. A little bit like Sprite. Later, its sweetness was added with a natural plant sugar substitute "erythritol". This sugar substitute will not cause changes in blood sugar and will not cause dental caries, but the cost is relatively high. It tastes even better when chilled!
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# 亚米神仙减肥好物 #元气森林白桃苏打气泡水,再也不用喝饮料担心涨肉啦‼️🥰 元气森林绝对是近一两年最火的饮料品牌,它以出色的包装,独特的口感在一众饮料品牌中脱颖而出。常喝饮料的宝宝们都免不了有点担心含糖量高、容易长胖,那么元气森林的气泡水就是特意为爱喝饮料的宝宝们准备的!它家的气泡水居然都是0卡路里、0脂肪、0糖‼️很惊喜有木有‼️还没试过的宝宝们可以入坑了‼️ 🍑外观与包装 这款白桃味的苏打气泡水是它家的代表成名作,白色包装给人特别纯净的感觉,粉红色的桃子看上去那么诱人,冲着这包装也会想让人买下它,给它的设计师点个赞! 🍑口感 既然是无糖无脂肪,很多宝宝就担心口感会不会很差!很负责任地说,真的可以尝出桃子果汁的口感,但它却是一款无色透明的气泡水,气泡很足,没有普通苏打水入口的那种涩味,微酸微甜,有一点点类似雪碧的感觉。后来它的甜味是加入了天然植物代糖“赤藓糖醇”,这种代糖不会引起血糖变化,也不会造成龋齿,就是成本相对较高。冰镇后喝起来会更爽!