I've bought hundreds of this bread. It's not an exaggeration at all.. It's not really gourmet. But for me and the people around me. A glass of milk in the morning with a bread like this is really good OK.. The first point is because. It can be kept fresh for a long time. Buy a lot and come back. When you are bored and want to eat. But when you don't even want to cook instant noodles. This is really suitable. Absolutely lazy Must-have. Second point. Although it's not gourmet. But it's definitely not worse than the ordinary bakery. Its bag is very soft. .And it's just right. After eating a whole piece, you won't feel tired. The third point is that the price is good. 1.59..Sometimes I encounter a discount on Yami. There is an additional 8-8.5% off. Do you want to buy it or not?
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这款面包我已经买了上百个了.真的一点都不夸张..这并不算上是美食.但是对于我和我身边的人来说.早上一杯牛奶配一个这样的面包真的很OK.. 第一点是因为.它真的是可以保鲜好久.买一大堆回来.无聊想吃东西的时候.但是连方便面都不想煮的时候. 这个真的是很适合.绝对的懒人必备. 第二点.它虽然不是美食.但是绝对不比普通的面包店里的差.它的包很软.不怎么甜.但是配合里面的红豆馅一起咬下去.那甜度真的杠杠的.而且刚刚好.吃完一整块都不会觉得很腻 第三点就是价格好呀.1.59..有时候碰上亚米打折.还有额外8-8.5折 你说买还是不买呢😂