# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # # 爱吃又想瘦 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation57afaaac57044491a7dcd4 Oatmeal weight loss, known as the healthiest way to lose weight in history (Figure 4) Oatmeal is a contemporary meal, which can not only lose weight but also control blood sugar. Figure 5 😄😄😄 Today, I'm going to review the 3 Weiya recommended Ozark instant meal replacement cereals that I bought at Yamibuy. First of all, the nutritional components are similar. All 3 models contain various nuts, multiple dried fruits, and oatmeal meal replacements, which also ensure nutritional balance. 😄Baking nut cereal is best for soaking in milk. Milk can also soak up a strong milky flavor. Dry eating is a little bit tedious. It is also a good choice for those who like chewy dry eating. This meal replacement has the highest degree of satiety. . 😄Cheese oatmeal with raspberry is the second best meal replacement. Dried raspberries are the specialties. Sweet and sour is just me. Dry and foamed milk are suitable. 😄Light and thin oatmeal ranks third in terms of satiety for meal replacement. It may be because of the thinness of the oatmeal, but the nutrition is still the same, and the taste is also suitable for dry milk. I noticed that Yami Ozark has launched a new model now, I am going to eat it next to each other, and then come to review it again, Let's eat and lose weight together in Yami😄😄😄
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# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # # 爱吃又想瘦 # # #神奇减肥好物# # 燕麦片减肥,被称为史上最健康的减肥方法(图4) 燕麦当代餐,既能减肥还能控制血糖。图5 😄😄😄 今天来测评一下我在亚米买过的3款薇娅推荐欧扎克即食代餐麦片。 首先,营养成分都差不多,3款里面都含有各种坚果,和多重果干,燕麦代餐的同时,也保证了营养均衡。 😄烘培坚果麦片,最适合泡牛奶食用,牛奶也能泡出浓郁奶香味,干吃稍微有点费牙,喜欢有嚼劲的朋友干吃也是不错的选择,这款的代餐管饱程度最高。 😄树莓芝士燕麦,代餐管饱排第二,树莓干是特色,酸酸甜甜就是我,干吃泡奶都适合。 😄轻薄麦片,代餐管饱程度排第3,可能是因为麦片轻薄的缘故吧,但是营养还是一样得丰富,口感是干吃泡牛奶同样适合。 我注意到亚米欧扎克现在又推出新款了,我准备挨着吃一吃,到时候又来测评啊, 让我们在亚米一起越吃越瘦😄😄😄