NetEase Yanxuan this peach oolong is also what I repurchase all the year round. Its tea bag is a triangular three-dimensional bag, which contains the whole original leaf oolong tea, which is not bitter after long-term brewing. It's not like some peach teas use dried apples to pretend to be peaches, but with the addition of real dried peaches and double roses. One pack can make a big cup, and both cold and hot drinks are super delicious. Put a little sugar substitute and you can get a cup of 0-calorie peach oolong at the level of a milk tea shop. Those who are not afraid of being fat can also make a milk cover and make it a happy fat house version 😄. # 一秒变好吃 # # 即食美味 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translationfe94bc978d4649f8b8ebb46
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网易严选这款蜜桃乌龙也是我常年回购的。 它的茶包是三角立体包, 里面是整颗的原叶乌龙茶,久泡不苦。 它不像一些蜜桃茶用苹果干冒充蜜桃, 而是添加了真正的蜜桃果干,还有重瓣玫瑰。 一包能泡一大杯,冷饮热饮都超级好喝, 放点代糖就能获得一杯奶茶店水准的0卡蜜桃乌龙了。 不怕胖的还可以做个奶盖弄成快乐肥宅版😄。 # 一秒变好吃 # # 即食美味 # # 亚米神仙减肥好物 #