# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # 🐄 Arranged by "Snack Talk·Milk Slices" planted by several friends! I didn’t like drinking milk very much when I was a child🥛, but I especially liked milk tablets. Now the kids haven’t eaten milk tablets here. Hurry up and arrange them so that they can gain more knowledge~ 🐄Brand: SNACK TALK snack language Product Name: Milk Tablets Net content: 20g Yami selling price: $1.29 🐄Although I was mentally prepared, I still felt that it was very compact after receiving it. It was a small bag, and the milk tablets inside were also small, but although it was small, the calf looked very delicate and cute! Ready to eat right out of the bag, fragrant and slightly sweet, the taste is really good. 80 calories per pack, the calories are not too high, you can eat with confidence and stress-free! 🐄 The siblings still like to eat, and I also followed suit. It has the taste of milk tablets when I was a child, and two small packets will be gone in a while!
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# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # 🐄被好几位朋友种草的「零食物语·牛奶片」安排上啦!小时候就不是很喜欢喝牛奶🥛,但是特别爱吃奶片,现在娃们在这边还没吃过奶片儿呢,赶紧安排上,让他俩涨涨见识~ 🐄品牌:SNACK TALK 零食物语 品名:牛奶片 净含量:20g 亚米售价:$1.29 🐄虽然有心理准备,但是收到以后还是感觉到非常袖珍,小小的一袋,里面的奶片也小小的,不过虽然很小,但是小牛的样子很精致,可可爱爱的!开袋即食,香浓微甜,口感的确是不错。每包80卡,卡路里不算高,放心吃无压力! 🐄姐弟俩还都是很喜欢吃的,我也跟着抢,有种小时候奶片的味道,两小包一会就没啦!