👉🏻Holly Friends potato honey butter sweet grandma's taste is so delicious that I can't stop it. I have repurchased it countless times. The taste is no worse than the popular Korean honey butter potato chips. Very good but not bulky The peach tastes sweet but not greasy Compared to Huiyuan's peach juice, Master Kong's peach juice tastes similar but the price is much higher
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👉🏻好丽友 呀土豆 蜂蜜黄油 甜甜奶奶的口感 好吃到停不下来 已经回购无数次 不比韩国热门的蜂蜜黄油薯片味道差 👉🏻不二家 桃子饮料 每一口 都是满满的桃子果粒 瓶子质感很好 但是体积不大 桃子味道甜而不腻 相比汇源的桃子汁 康师傅的桃子汁 味道差不多 但价格高出很多