# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # Zero Food Language This particularly cute milk slice is only 80kcal in a pack. If you like dairy products, you can try it! The milk tablets are very mini, more than 20 in a pack, all in the shape of a cute calf, and a pair of smiling eyes, very cute! Kids will love it! This milk slice is very chewy, crispy to bite, and has a rich milky fragrance, but it is not sweet. It is very suitable for watching dramas or as a snack at work. A packet of calories is only 80kcal, which is delicious and not fat! # #神奇减肥好物# ## 我要上精选 #
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# 亚米神仙减肥好物 #零食物语这款特别萌的奶片,一包只有80kcal,喜欢奶制品的话可以试试! 奶片非常迷你,一包20多个,形状都是可爱的小牛,还有一双笑眯眯的眼睛,特别萌!小朋友一定会喜欢! 这个奶片很有嚼感,咬起来酥酥的,奶香浓郁,但是不甜。很适合看剧或者工作时当小零嘴,一包热量只有80kcal,好吃不胖! # #神奇减肥好物# ## 我要上精选 #