# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # I found Treasure Snacks again. If you also like plum-like foods, such as dried plums and plum-flavored drinks, you must not miss this healthy and low-calorie snack. A small packet is only 49 kcal! 108 people rated 4.8🌟 i factory prunes! This is the second time I have repurchased it. It is sweet and sour, like concentrated dried plums. A small bag with about 20 slices of prunes in it. They are made from dried and pressed fresh plums, with a pinch of salt and sugar added to balance the taste. It feels richer than the prunes I've ever eaten, not too sweet or too sour, it tastes very well balanced, and it feels like the ingredients used are all good. One slice is very satisfying, and you won’t eat too much. The low-calorie snacks in small bags are great!
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# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # 我又找到宝藏零食了,如果你也喜欢梅子类的食物,例如梅子干,梅子味的饮料的话,一定不要错过这款健康低卡小零食。 一小包才49千卡!108人评价4.8🌟的i factory梅干!这是我第二次回购了,酸酸甜甜的,像是浓缩梅子干一样,味道非常浓郁,还不用吐核! 小小的一袋,里面有大概20片梅干。都是用新鲜梅子晒干压制做出来的,有添加少许食盐和糖来平衡口味。感觉比我吃过的梅干的味道更加浓郁,不会太甜或者太酸,吃起来非常平衡,感觉用的原材料都很好。一片就很解馋,也不会吃多,小袋的低卡零食非常棒!