Taking a bath can improve blood circulation and help burn calories. This medicinal bathing agent comes in a box of 5️⃣ flavors and 2️⃣ packets each. Each type is printed with the name and pattern of a famous Japanese hot spring. Taking a bath increases knowledge at the same time. The color matching of the individual packaging makes the color of the powder clear at a glance. The ingredients of each type are printed on the back, but they are actually similar. The one with the biggest difference is the Beppu one. Although the packaging is light blue, it is actually a white and turbid soup color. It has added hyaluronic acid and water-soluble collagen. I am looking forward to it. . At present, I only tried the orange yuzu fragrance, and the actual soup color is not so bright (relieved 😂) just a very light yellow. The grapefruit smell is very light, with a little medicinal smell. The heat preservation effect is not bad. I like the hot water temperature. I only added a small amount of hot water in the middle of soaking for half an hour. # 换季护肤 # # 亚米神仙减肥好物 #
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泡澡可以改善血液循环,对燃烧卡路里也有帮助哦。这个药用入浴剂一盒5️⃣个味道各2️⃣包,每款都印有一个日本名温泉的名字及图案,泡澡同时涨知识,独立包装的配色让粉末的颜色一目了然。 背后印有每款成分,其实都差不多,差别较大的是别府那款,虽然包装是浅蓝色,但其实它是白色浑浊的汤色,添加了透明质酸和水溶性胶原蛋白,有点期待。 目前我只尝试了橙色柚子香的那一款,实际汤色并没有那么鲜艳(松了一口气😂)只是非常浅的黄色。柚子味非常淡,带着一点药味。保温效果还不错,喜欢水温偏热的我泡了半个小时中间只少量加了一次热水。 # 换季护肤 # # 亚米神仙减肥好物 #