# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # # 爱吃又想瘦 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation43c7837edf5a45489ca During the fat reduction period, protein supplementation depends on this. Huang Xiaoming said in an interview that he eats boiled chicken breast with a fat-reduced meal every day without any seasoning, so we replace his boiled chicken breast with this tuna, which is better than chicken breast. Meat is more nutritious. I have repurchased the tuna fish of the Korean Tumbler brand many times. There are always stock at home, because this canned tuna is the best tuna I have ever eaten in the United States. The meat is relatively complete and the taste is good. , is the taste of natural tuna. Although this one is written with a slightly spicy taste, I can hardly taste any spicy taste, nor the taste of other artificial seasonings, it is very natural! Tuna, also called tuna, is rich in protein, vitamin D, and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Tuna contains a lot of EPA, DHA. The ratio of DHA contained in this fish is the highest among fish, and it is an excellent brain food. 😄
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# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # # 爱吃又想瘦 # # #神奇减肥好物# # 减脂期间,蛋白质的补充靠这个了,黄晓明采访中说到,他天天吃减脂餐水煮鸡胸肉不放任何调料,那么我们把他的水煮鸡胸肉换成这个吞拿鱼肉,比鸡胸肉更有营养哦。 韩国不倒翁牌的tuna鱼我已经回购很多次了,家里随时是有屯货的,因为这款金枪鱼罐头是我在美国吃过的tuna鱼罐头里最好吃的了,肉比较完整,味道好,是天然吞拿鱼的味道,这款虽然写着是微辣口味,但我几乎吃不出任何辣味,也没有其他人工调料的味道,就是很天然! 金枪鱼也叫吞拿鱼,富含蛋白质、维D,且钙、磷和铁等矿物质的含量也较高。 金枪鱼含有大量的EPA,DHA。此鱼所含的DHA比例为鱼中之冠,是极佳的健脑食品。😄