Five essential treasures for going out in summer! ! 🌞🌞🌞 The first treasure! Innisfree's dry skin sunscreen. The texture is very moisturizing and suitable for my desert dry skin. Second treasure! The famous sofina makeup primer! ! ! Various youtuber big Vs have pushed how easy this is to use, and finally got it! Really super invincible and easy to use. In summer, the t-zone is often sweaty and oily. This makeup primer can hold up the liquid foundation very well, and it will not take off the makeup for a day, and it will not be oily or dry. Awesome! The third treasure! Little Yellow Duck BB Air Cushion🐥🐥🐥. This series from Missha is very cute (*^__^*) I couldn't help but bought a box of air cushions from Duck Duck. The texture is light and long-lasting with makeup, and it will not dry out and not powder after a day. Suitable for summer ~ ~ Fourth treasure! Lazy egg lip tint! Bright orange is very summer 🍊🍊🍊 The packaging of Super Q has a fruity taste, suitable for girls with dry lips! If you want to color it, you need to apply it thickly, but it is also good to apply it thinly in summer to increase the complexion~ Fifth treasure! Marshmallow Oil Control Powder! Canmake's eyeshadows have always been rave reviews. This time, the powder is surprisingly easy to use (applause thunderous) The powder is very, very delicate! Fits very well on the face! Great for midday touch-ups. Recently, various short-distance and long-distance tours have greatly promoted these styles, which are convenient for travel and long-lasting with makeup~👻👻👻
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夏日出门必备五宝!!🌞🌞🌞 第一宝!innisfree的干性皮肤防晒霜。质地很滋润适合我这种沙漠干性肤质。 第二宝!大名鼎鼎的sofina妆前乳!!!各种youtuber大V各种推这款如何好用,终于入手了!果然超级无敌好用。夏季经常出汗t区出油,这款妆前乳可以很好的撑起粉底液,一天不脱妆,且不油不干。棒棒哒! 第三宝!小黄鸭BB气垫🐥🐥🐥。Missha出的这一系列都非常可爱(*^__^*)忍不住买了小鸭鸭这款附赠一盒气垫。质地轻薄而且带妆持久,一天下来不拔干不浮粉。适合夏天~~ 第四宝!懒蛋蛋染唇液!亮橘色非常夏天🍊🍊🍊超级Q的包装带着水果味道,适合嘴唇偏干的妹子!要想上色的话得厚涂,不过夏天薄涂增加气色也不错~ 第五宝!棉花糖控油蜜粉!Canmake的眼影一向好评如潮。这次随便入手蜜粉竟然意外的好用(掌声雷动)粉质非常非常细腻!上脸非常非常贴合!非常适用于中午补妆。 最近各种短途长途游大推这几款,出行方便且带妆持久~👻👻👻