# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # Great weight loss recommendations: "Japanese Yamamoto Kampo Barley Wakaba  Brewing Drink" I like to take this brewed drink when I travel, A small bag is easy to carry, Have a drink in the morning on an empty stomach, Supplement with enough dietary fiber, It can also supplement the lack of vegetables eaten outside. It tastes a bit like matcha tea. It's delicious with some milk, too. Recommended to friends who are losing weight! It should be said that whether you lose weight or not, you can drink it 😁
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# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # 減肥好物大推薦: 「日本山本漢方 大麥若葉沖泡飲」 出門旅行我喜歡帶著這個沖泡飲, 小小一包攜帶方便, 早上的時候空腹喝上一杯, 補充足夠的膳食纖維, 也能補充外食的蔬菜不足, 沖泡起來有點像抹茶的味道, 加點牛奶也很好喝, 推薦給正在減肥的朋友們! 應該說不管減肥不減肥都可以喝啦😁