# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # Great weight loss recommendations: "Japan's Three Kampo Cream Tea" After eating very greasy food, I will have a cup of fat tea, I really like drinking tea. I think its anti-greasy effect is pretty good. This tea also has a slightly bitter taste. The taste is quite special. It would be nice if you could get rid of the oiliness. People who want to lose weight can also try it.
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# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # 減肥好物大推薦: 「日本三本漢方 脂流茶」 之前完非常油膩的食物, 我就會來一杯脂流茶, 本身就是很喜歡喝茶的喔, 覺得它的解膩的功效還不錯, 這款茶還帶有一點苦苦的味道, 口味算是是蠻特殊的, 如果能解解油膩也是不錯, 想要減肥的人也可以試試看。