# 亚米神仙减肥好物 #The best manuka honey in honey, rich in nutrients, lubricates the intestines and can promote fat metabolism. It contains high-quality sugar, vitamins and minerals that can burn human energy. x In three meals a day, as long as Adding some Manuka honey can reduce the accumulation of body fat. Because it contains many vitamins, enzymes, organic acids, etc., it can adjust the digestive function of the stomach and eliminate waste. Improve the function of metabolism. Make excess fat burn as energy, so as to lose weight, but not excessive consumption. Manuka honey can be antibacterial, nourishing, conditioning and repairing body wounds and anti-oxidation. It can also improve Gastrointestinal disease, so I will get up every day to drink a cup of warm water, and then eat a spoonful of honey directly. The higher the UMF value, the more expensive it is, and the effect is different. It is enough to eat 10+ for health care, and if it exceeds 10+, it means it It has more powerful antibacterial and antioxidant effects, you can buy it according to your own needs.
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# 亚米神仙减肥好物 #蜜中极品麦卢卡蜂蜜,营养含量丰富,润滑肠道的同时能促进脂肪加速新陈代谢的.包含可以燃烧人体能量的优质糖分、维生素以及矿物质等x在一日三餐中,只要加入一些麦卢卡蜂蜜,可以减少体内脂肪的堆积.因为它含有很多维生素、酶类、有机酸等,能调整肠胃的消化功能,排除废物。改善新陈代谢的功能.使得多余的脂肪作为能量得到燃烧,从而起到减肥瘦身的功效,但是不能过度食用哦.麦卢卡蜂蜜能抑菌抗菌,滋养调理和修复肌体创口和抗氧化,还可以改善肠胃疾病,所以我会每天一起床喝杯温水,再来一勺蜂蜜直接食用.UMF值越高也就越贵,功效也是不一样的,保健的吃10+就够了,超过10+就说明它有更强大的抗菌抗氧化功效,可以按自己的需求购入哦.