# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # Korean Dr. Liv Low Sugar Low Calorie Jelly - Peach Flavor 🍑 I'm going to final again recently.... This jelly is suitable for those of us who want to eat snacks during the review period and don't want to get our hands dirty😗 In addition, it is low in sugar and low in calories. Each bag is only 6kcal, so you can eat snacks without gaining weight. It is gradually realized 👌 It is worth mentioning that the jelly inside this jelly cool is relatively condensed. Before opening the lid, you have to pinch it with your hands to loosen the jelly inside before you can suck it up; The taste is sweet and sour peach flavor 🍑, refreshing and refreshing, it is also very suitable for soothing the brain during review 👌
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# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # 韩国Dr. Liv低糖低卡果冻—水蜜桃味🍑 最近又要final了....这个果冻就适合我们这些复习期间想吃点零食又不想弄脏手的读书党😗再加上还是低糖低卡的,每袋子只有6kcal,吃零食不发胖的愿望正在逐步实现了👌 值得一提的是,这个果冻爽里面的果冻比较凝结,开盖前要用手捏一捏,把里面的果冻捏散了才吸得上来; 味道上是酸酸甜甜的水蜜桃味🍑,清清爽爽的,也很适合复习时舒缓一下脑子👌