# 亚米神仙减肥好物 #Millet sweet potato porridge, a bowl of rice sweet potato porridge in the morning, you will be alive all day. I once swore to my friends that no matter how I eat it, I will not gain weight, but I have gained a lot of weight at home during the epidemic. Really don't wear it every day 😭, dress up and want to cry without tears! Check in now! Lose weight and lose weight, the image must not be destroyed! It is said that millet is a good helper for weight loss! This is not to be arranged immediately this morning. Cut the sweet potatoes into small pieces and wash them, add water to 0.5L, cook the porridge at speed 13, and add the washed millet after boiling. I stirred it with a small spoon several times in the middle, hoping that the millet will be more viscous Point, the amount of millet is to grab two small handfuls, the millet porridge with sweet potato adds a sweetness and a better taste, and it is easy to eat in a bowl✌️! Millet is low in sugar, nourishes qi and blood, nourishes the stomach, regulates the intestines, reduces fat accumulation, sweet potato is low in fat, contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, and is especially suitable for fat loss. Both of them are combined with nutritional value and the effect of weight loss and fat reduction. Take it to the next level.
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# 亚米神仙减肥好物 #小米地瓜粥,早上来一碗,活力一整天.曾经信誓旦旦的跟朋友说怎么吃都不会胖,疫情宅家不知不觉胖了一圈,衣服穿搭了一号,居家服真不要天天穿😭,正装一上身欲哭无泪!赶紧打卡起来!减肥减肥,形象绝不能毁! 据说小米加一物,减肥好帮手!这不今早立马安排起来.地瓜切小块洗净,加水到0.5L,用13档煮粥,煮开后加入洗净的小米,中途我用小勺子搅了几次,希望小米更粘稠点,小米的量是抓了两小把,加了地瓜的小米粥添了甜感更好入口,轻轻松松一碗下肚✌️!小米含糖量低,补气血养胃调理肠道,减少脂肪堆积,红薯脂肪含量低,含多种维生素和矿物质,特别适合减脂.两者配合营养价值和减肥减脂的功效上都会更上一层楼.