# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # This Xiaolongkan sesame sauce salad is highly recommended. The staple food in it is low-calorie konjac silk, which is very suitable for supper. There are plenty of ingredients in it, including sesame paste, vegetable bag, shredded konjac and tofu skin. The method is also very convenient. Pour the scalding water into the box to scald the vegetables, and then drain the water. So you can eat it when you travel. The sesame sauce is very fragrant, and the amount of bean skin is also very large. The overall feeling is very refreshing and the taste is good.
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# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # 强烈推荐这款小龙坎麻酱凉拌菜。它里面的主食是低卡的魔芋丝,很适合当夜宵。 里面的配料很足,有麻酱拌料,蔬菜包,魔芋丝和豆皮,做法也特别方便,把烫水倒进盒子里把菜烫熟,然后把水倒掉即可。所以可以旅行时候吃。 麻酱非常香,豆皮量也很足,整体感觉很爽口,味道不错。