There are so many tricks that a small bag of ice powder can play that you can't believe it, In fact, it is not made of real ice powder seeds, but konjac flour. But also super low in calories. I use it to make delicious coffee jelly with black coffee and sugar substitute, If you don't add fat, it will be 0 calories, 0 calories! The practice is shown in Figure 4, the little friends who lose weight move! # 亚米神仙减肥好物 #
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小小一包冰粉粉能玩出的花样多到你不敢相信, 其实它不是真正的冰粉籽做的,而是魔芋粉, 但是同样卡路里超级低。 我用它跟黑咖啡和代糖做了美味的咖啡冻, 如果不加肥宅奶盖就是0卡,0卡! 做法在图4,减肥的小伙伴动起来! # 亚米神仙减肥好物 #