# 亚米神仙减肥好物 #A cup of hawthorn water every day, to strengthen the spleen and appetizers, digest and resolve stagnation, diuretic and laxative, choose a dozen or so hawthorn to wash, add an appropriate amount of water and a tablespoon of brown sugar, the health pot boils the water and you can drink it. It is good to drink it half an hour after a meal, which can not only help digestion, but also have the effect of losing weight. You can't drink it on an empty stomach or drink too much. Too much hawthorn will be too acidic. If you have a bad stomach, you should eat less.
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# 亚米神仙减肥好物 #每天一杯山楂水,健脾开胃,消食化滞,利尿通便,选十来颗山楂洗净,加适量的水一大勺黑糖,养生壶烧开水档开了就可以喝了,最好饭后半小时饮用,既能帮助消化,又能起到减肥的功效.不能空腹喝也不能饮用过多,过多的山楂也会过酸,胃不好要少食.