The little snack of the dead house

Highly recommend this snack, it's really delicious!

There are only6 in a box, and the rhythm can be solved in an instant< /span>

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Compared with the creamed shrimp I bought last time, I personally prefer this spicy squid, the moment I eat it, my heart is os : I was fooled by the comments again! Obviously this one is more delicious and amazing! (T^T)

Spicy and a little squid scent, it's just heaven( ̄▽ ̄ )

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跟上次買的奶油蝦相比,我個人更喜歡這款辣魷魚,吃到嘴的瞬間,內心os: 我又被評論騙了!明明這款更好吃更驚艷!(T ^ T)

辣辣的有點魷魚香,簡直就是天堂啊( ̄▽ ̄)