# 今日份家常菜 # Today's Homemade Breakfast doesn't look pretty But it tastes good One slice of multi grain bread with one fried egg Plus a homemade beef and lettuce salad The dressing for the salad part is made from an avocado with Sriracha and a pinch of salt and pepper (you can add a spoon or two of yogurt) Delicious and nutritious, don't worry about getting fat😄😄😄
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# 今日份家常菜 # 今日份家常自制早餐 看起来不是很漂亮 但味道还不错哟 multi grain面包一片 加煎蛋一份 外加自制牛肉果生菜沙拉一份 沙拉部分的酱由一颗牛油果加Sriracha 加一丢丢盐和胡椒制成(可再加一两勺酸奶) 美味又营养 还不担心胖😄😄😄