# 2021亚米面膜节 # 💚I like all the masks of Dr. Jart+. Compared with the most popular blue pill, I personally prefer the green pill. Although the smell is stronger, the effect is very good! I have sensitive skin, and the green pill has a particularly obvious calming and soothing effect. It is very comfortable to apply, and it can also improve the itching and red bumps and other problems of sensitive skin while hydrating. Green Pill is a must-have mask in my house, and it can't be missed! 💚
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# 2021亚米面膜节 # 💚Dr. Jart+的面膜我都挺喜欢的,与最火爆的蓝药丸相比我个人更喜欢绿药丸,虽然药味比较浓一些,但是效果非常好!我是敏感肌,绿药丸的镇定舒缓效果特别明显,敷上非常舒服,补水的同时可以改善过敏肌的发痒起小红疙瘩等问题。绿药丸是我家常备且必备的面膜,不能少了它!💚