美术宝·精品国画课程🎨First experience 🎨 very proud to be part of [1] produced 美术宝1 experience "精品国画课程", my family sister 美术宝've learned there are more than seven months, two lessons per week, she was very fond of. I have never been exposed to traditional Chinese painting, watercolor painting, etc., this time is also a brand new experience! ✨About the brand✨ 美术宝 Education Group was founded in 2014, so far, there have been more than 200,000 children in 美术宝 study, more than 20,000 professional art teacher to teach in 美术宝, covering 160 countries and regions. Be On December 24, 2020, 美术宝 Education Group announced that it has completed its Series D financing of USD 210 million. Up to now, 美术宝 has completed 8 rounds of financing, and the accumulated investment in the art education track has exceeded RMB 100 million. most. 美术宝 will use more than 80% of the financing for teaching and course research and development. This 美术宝1-to-one fine Chinese painting course is an innovative artisan tailored for overseas students. ✨About the course✨ This time, 精品国画课程 is divided into two systems: 4-6 years old and 7-12 years old. Each system contains 4 courses. The courses are more coherent and holistic, which can continuously stimulate children's interest in painting. The subject matter is rich, and innovative elements are added on the basis of traditional master Chinese painting; the 1-to-1 customized teaching model retains maximum flexibility while ensuring learning outcomes. Moreover, the painting materials are also provided free of charge. It took about a week or so to arrive. A box full of ink, paints, rice paper, brushes, etc. All the necessary materials are available. You can go to class directly, which is very convenient and considerate! The Chinese painting class is taught by a dedicated professional team of teachers. The curriculum is rich and complete, from observation to theory to skill practice to practical painting. It is very complete, not boring, and fascinating. ✨Course Experience✨ My sister just turned 8 years old. She has been studying painting at 美术宝 for more than 7 months, but she has never been exposed to Chinese painting, ink painting, etc., so she is also very excited and excited this time. I was worried that it would be difficult to clean up her paint on the carpet, so I arranged the class in the sun room. The weather was good, the lighting was abundant, and I was not afraid of getting dirty. It was perfect! This is the first Chinese painting class, taught by Mr. Wang. The teacher speaks slowly and carefully so that the baby can understand all the Chinese content. The work of this class is "Lychee Smiles". Since she is the first time to come into contact with Chinese painting, the teacher is very patient. to teach from scratch. I first introduced and observed the shape and color of lychees, and taught basic skills such as how to hold a pen, how to move a pen, and how to color tone. Then, before the formal painting, I also contacted how to draw the circle of lychee, how to draw pockmarks, How to draw leaves, etc., the contact is almost ready to start the formal painting, from the composition to various details, the explanation is very comprehensive, and the baby will patiently answer any areas that he does not understand. My sister was not very proficient in painting for the first time, and she was unfamiliar with coloring and brushes. The teacher said that Chinese painting not only has paintings but also characters. Unfortunately, she can't write a lot of Chinese characters, so she reluctantly wrote her own surname. This class took a lot of time, and it was not easy to finally draw this "Lychee Smile". The work is still very immature, but the first experience was very successful! Looking forward to the next class now! # 美术宝课程体验
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美术宝·精品国画课程🎨初体验 🎨很荣幸可以参与【美术宝1对1】出品的「精品国画课程」的体验,我家姐姐在美术宝已经学习了有七个多月了,每周两节课,她非常喜欢。之前一直没有接触过国画水彩画等,这次也算是一个全新的体验! ✨关于品牌✨ 美术宝教育集团创立于2014年,到目前为止,已经有超过20万的孩子在美术宝学习,有2万多名专业美术老师在美术宝任教,覆盖全球160个国家和地区。
 2020年12月24日,美术宝教育集团宣布完成2.1亿美元D轮融资,截止目前,美术宝教育已完成8轮融资,累计获投金额超22亿元人民币,创造了美术教育赛道的融资金额之最。美术宝将超过80%融资⽤于教学及课程研发,本次的美术宝1对1精品国画专题课就是专为海外学员量身打造的创新匠⼼之作。 ✨关于课程✨ 本次的精品国画课程划分为4-6岁和7-12岁两个体系,每个体系包含4节课程,课程更具连贯性及整体性,可以不断激发孩子的绘画兴趣。题材丰富,在传统的大师国画的基础上加入创新元素;1对1定制化教学模式在保障学习成果的同时,保留了最⼤的灵活性。 而且还免费提供画材,大概一个多星期就寄到了,满满一盒,包括墨水、颜料、宣纸、毛笔等等一切所需材料,应有尽有,直接就可以上课,十分方便贴心!国画课有专门的专业教师团队来授课,课程丰富完整,从观察到理论到技巧练习再到实践作画,非常完整,也不枯燥乏味,引人入胜。 ✨课程体验✨ 我家姐姐刚满8周岁,在美术宝学习画画7个多月,但是从没接触过国画、水墨画等,所以这次她也是十分期待和激动。我担心她颜料弄地毯上不好收拾,所以安排在了阳光房上课,天气不错,采光充足,还不怕弄脏,真是完美! 这是第一节国画课,由王老师授课,老师讲话慢条斯理尽量让宝贝可以理解所有中文内容,本节课的作品为《荔枝开口笑》,由于她是第一次接触国画,所以老师很耐心的从头教起。先介绍并观察了荔枝的形态、颜色等,又教了如何握笔、运笔、调色等各方面的基本技能,然后在正式作画前还联系了如何画荔枝的圆形、如何画麻点、如何画叶片等,联系差不多了开始正式作画,从构图到各种细节,讲解的十分全面,娃有听不懂的地方也都会耐心解答。 姐姐第一次画还不是很熟练,调色、用毛笔等也比较生疏,老师说国画不仅有画也还有字,可惜她不会写很多中文字,勉强写了个自己的姓。这节课超时了很多,总算画出了这幅《荔枝开口笑》实属不易,作品还是十分稚嫩的,但是初体验是非常成功的!现在已经开始期待下节课啦! # 美术宝课程体验 ## 美术宝 # # 精品国画课程 #