# 一周瘦身大作战 # Day2 to share a low-calorie jelly with eyes closed! Since last spring, I bought low-calorie jelly on Yami for the first time. I basically bought a little and stocked up when I saw a good price this year. It is still very good to eat as a snack every day. Some time ago, I saw this 10-pack of bundles, and it was peach flavor. For me, it was a taste that could not go wrong, so I decided to place an order. It is usually stored in the refrigerator, and it is less likely to taste the taste of sugar substitute when it is cold. When I get tired, I usually take a mouthful of cold and silky jelly. It's really cool~ Low-calorie jelly contains concentrated fruit juice, but the content is relatively low, so the taste of peach is relatively real. The extra added sugar substitutes, and the 6 calories basically come from concentrated fruit juice.
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# 一周瘦身大作战 # Day2 来分享一款闭眼入的低卡果冻! 从去年春天开始,我第一次在亚米上买到了低卡果冻,这一年里看到好价基本上都会买一点囤着,日常当小零食吃还是很不错的。 前段时间看到这种10个装的bundle,又是水蜜桃味,于我而言是不会出错的口味耶,就果断下单了。 平时都会储存在冰箱里,冰冰凉凉的就不太会吃出代糖的口感。平时累了来嗦一口冰凉丝滑的果冻,真的太爽啦~ 低卡果冻里是含有浓缩果汁的,不过含量比较低,所以蜜桃的口感相对真实一点。额外添加的都是代糖,6大卡的热量基本都来自于浓缩果汁。