# 一周瘦身大作战 #As a tofu lover, I would like to share with you a simple and low-calorie dish today: salted egg yolk tofu pot. The soup is golden in color, the tofu is smooth and tender, and the salty aroma of salted egg yolk is delicious enough to lick your plate! Ingredients: A box of tender tofu, appropriate amount of crab meat or shrimp, 1-2 salted duck eggs, appropriate amount of onion and ginger practice: 👩‍🍳Boil the tofu in hot water to remove the fishy smell. 👩‍🍳Less oil in the pan, pour in chopped salted egg yolk and stir fry. 👩‍🍳Add minced duck protein, minced crab meat/shrimp and spring onion and ginger, stir fry, season with oyster sauce, light soy sauce, white pepper powder and salt. 👩‍🍳Add boiling water to boil, pour in tofu and cook for 5 minutes, add two tablespoons of starch water to boil, turn off the heat and serve on a plate, sprinkle with chopped green onion and serve! This dish is smooth and tender, very delicious, and it is very filling even if you don't eat the main food during the fat-reducing period! I used Yuantong's Bawang Salted Duck Egg, which is huge. When frying, the duck protein is also crushed and put in, there is no need to add additional salt, and it tastes just right. # 我要上精选 # # 亚米厨房 #
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# 一周瘦身大作战 #作为一个豆腐控,今天和大家分享一个简单又低卡的菜:咸蛋黄豆腐煲。汤汁色泽金黄,豆腐滑滑嫩嫩,搭配咸蛋黄的咸香,好吃到要舔盘! 食材: 嫩豆腐一盒,蟹肉或虾仁适量,咸鸭蛋1-2个,葱姜适量 做法: 👩‍🍳豆腐切块在热水里焯一下去腥。 👩‍🍳锅里少油,倒入咸蛋黄碎翻炒。 👩‍🍳加入鸭蛋白碎、蟹肉碎/虾仁和葱姜翻炒,蚝油、生抽、白胡椒粉、盐适量调味。 👩‍🍳加开水煮开,倒入豆腐煮5分钟,加入两勺淀粉水煮开后关火盛盘,撒上葱花开吃! 这道菜口感滑嫩,非常鲜美,减脂期来一份不吃主食也很饱腹! 我用了元童的霸王咸鸭蛋,个头很大。炒的时候把鸭蛋白也压碎放进去就不需要额外加盐,吃起来咸淡刚刚好。 # 我要上精选 # # 亚米厨房 #