
Pancake Laboratory (6)

Follow your cakes, you will have all the delicious food.

Hello everyone, I love to eat and play, and I honestly evaluate all kinds of new and delicious pancakes( ´` )

In the sixth issue of Pancake Lab, I finally got a cover! Please applaud👏👏👏(clap clap clap)

Yes, this issue will bring the "Monkey Mushroom Rice Thins" that has just been delivered to your door by courier! I believe that many friends, like Panzi, see that the "longing for life" has been seriously planted. This time, let Panzi bring everyone to try it out..

Cough, the domestic version of Mi Xi has removed the "Yi Zen Finger" Miss Bai, and the one I got is still printed, then..Code it manually (smile, sweet cake).

This time I tried 15packages of rice noodles .

Rear....? ? ? Tough to tear (black question mark.jpg)

The inside is like this, a large bag is divided into 15small bag< /span>. Separable15Eat breakfast every day.

It's also easy to do. Tear open the small bag and pour in the rice water, add hot water and stir..

15Natural is the original flavor without condensed milk, very bland. Fairies can add condensed milk or honey to taste.

It may be that after watching "A Life of Longing", I felt that the rice was rave reviews and had great hopes, so when I first ate it, I felt that there was almost no taste for this rice. Slightly disappointed. Not bad, but not great either.

The unrepentant cake immediately opened another box of cups. This one is served with condensed milk. It tastes sweet and feels much better, haha.

Just so sweetψ(∇´)ψ And it was all eaten up, no picture!

There are different tastes in the world. 

It's not fair for the rice to taste just because the taste is too bland..

span>After all, this is a healthy food that focuses on nourishing the stomach, just likeAaronBig As I said, "Health, you have to endure the loneliness of your mouth". 

From the point of view of health food, Monkey Mushroom rice water is really good, and the ingredients are also healthy oatmeal, barley, lotus seeds, Poria, etc., ground into powder, easy to absorb

/span>. The original flavor and condensed milk are separated, which is also convenient for customers to adjust their own flavors. span>

If you like sweetness,can add condensed milk, honey, preserved fruit, milk/< /span>Soy milk, etc.;

If you like salty,You can add meat floss, nuts, seaweed, sesame, etc. .

As a southern cake, it is actually acceptable for slightly bland rice noodles. The faint fragrance of barley seeds is very pleasing when brewing, and the sugar-free ingredients are also suitable for fairies who are losing weight. One bowl is warm and full of satiety.. As a breakfast during weight loss, it is really the best choice. . 

If you really don't like fairies with a bland taste,

Cup with condensed milk

Cup with condensed milk

Cup with condensed milk

In addition to being healthy, please choose the one that suits your taste~

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大家好,我是愛吃愛玩,如實測評各種好吃爆款新品的餅子( ´` )


沒錯,這一期要帶來的是剛剛才被快遞送到家門的「猴菇米稀」! 相信不少朋友和餅子一樣,看「嚮往的生活」被嚴重種草了. 這次就讓餅子來帶大家一起嚐鮮一下吧.




裡面是長這樣的,一大包裡面分了15小包. 可分15天早餐食用.


15天份的是沒有配煉乳的原味,很寡淡. 仙女們可以自行添加煉乳或蜂蜜來調味.

可能是看完「嚮往的生活」,感覺米稀好評如潮,抱有很大的希望,所以初次吃到的時候感覺對這幾乎沒有過多味道的米稀略感失望. 不難吃,但也算不上很好吃.


就是那麼愛吃甜ψ(∇´)ψ 而且吃光了,沒圖!


單憑味道太清淡來說米稀不好吃,這對米稀來說也太不公平了. 畢竟這是一款主打養胃的健康食品,就像Aaron大大說的,「養生啊,就要耐得住嘴巴的寂寞」. 

從養生食品的角度來說,猴菇米稀確實是做得不錯了,成分也是健康的麥片、薏仁、蓮子、茯苓等,研磨成粉,容易吸收. 原味和煉乳分開,也便於顧客自行調配口味.



作為南方餅,其實對略為寡淡的米稀還是能接受的. 沖泡的時候淡淡的薏仁香味很討喜,無糖的成分也適合正在減肥中的仙女們. 一碗下去暖呼呼的,飽腹感也很夠. 作為減肥期間的早餐,實在是不二選擇啊. 




