# 一周瘦身大作战 #Slimming punch 5. What can you eat to lose weight? What is the healthiest thing to eat? Might as well try mashed potatoes, healthy and fast, delicious and very filling! Ingredients: 500g potatoes, 50ml milk, 30g butter, black pepper, salt Mashed potato sauce: 20g butter, two spoons of oyster sauce, appropriate amount of black pepper, 200ml water, appropriate amount of starch practice: 1. Wash the potatoes, peel them and cut them into pieces, steam them for 20 minutes, take them out and press them into puree 2. Pour in a little salt, 50ml milk, 30g butter and black pepper, stir well 3. Put 20g of butter, two tablespoons of oyster sauce, an appropriate amount of black pepper powder, and 200ml of water in a frying pan and mix well. Add a small amount of starch to thicken and boil over high heat. When the sauce becomes thick, pour it on the mashed potatoes.
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# 一周瘦身大作战 #瘦身打卡5。瘦身能吃什么呢?吃什么才是最健康的呢?不妨试试土豆泥吧,健康快手又好吃还很饱腹呢! 食材:土豆500g、牛奶50ml、黄油30g、黑胡椒粉、盐 土豆泥酱:20g黄油、两勺蚝油、适量黑胡椒粉、200ml清水、淀粉适量 做法: 1.土豆洗净削皮切块,大火蒸20分钟,取出压成泥 2.倒入少许盐、50ml牛奶、30g黄油和黑胡椒粉,搅拌均匀 3.平底锅放入20g黄油、两勺蚝油、适量黑胡椒粉、200ml清水拌匀,加入少量淀粉勾芡大火烧开,煮熟酱汁变浓稠倒在土豆泥上即可