# 2021亚米面膜节 # Can a one-minute good night moisturizing mask really handle all skin care steps‼ ️ Japan's BCL SABORINO's good morning mask is red, and its chamomile good night mask is also super popular. According to the official introduction, one piece of its mask in the morning and evening is not used for cleansing, lotion, essence, and cream. One mask covers all Skin care steps are simply the gospel of lazy skin care. This is the first time I use its good night mask, let me test how it performs? 🍀Look at its main ingredients first Cleansing - apple extract, malic acid to remove excess skin cells Moisturizing - orange oil extract, honey sodium hyaluronate fully hydrates the skin Firming - chamomile extract, lavender extract, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, repair skin 🍀How to use Take the mask out of the bag; Spread out the mask, stretch left and right, and cover the entire face to make it fit tightly; Remove the mask after 60 seconds of application, and massage thoroughly to fully absorb the essence. 🍀Actual use experience This mask is very small, so don't be intimidated, because the sheet of the mask can stretch, but even if it stretches, it doesn't completely cover my big face. The mask smells lightly and smells very good. The essence does not have any excess except on the mask paper, which is more docile. This mask is known as the gospel of lazy people. You don't need to wash your face and apply it directly, and you only need to apply it for 1 minute. I personally think that if you apply it directly without washing your face, the cleaning should not be in place. It is recommended that you wash your face and then apply it more scientifically. Secondly, if you apply it for a short time, you feel that the essence of the mask is not fully absorbed. If time permits, you can apply it for a few more minutes. After applying it, the face will not be particularly supple and tender, but the overall feeling of the face is relatively moist, and the moisturizing effect is not bad. If you use it every day, it should be ok. Recommendation: ✨✨✨✨ # 一周瘦身大作战 # It's good to put on a mask before going to bed and do stretching exercises!
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yami_featured_image # 2021亚米面膜节 # 一分钟晚安保湿面膜真的可以一片搞定所有护肤步骤吗‼️ 日本BCL SABORINO 的早安面膜红透半边天,它家的这款洋甘菊晚安面膜也超级火,根据官方介绍早晚一片它家面膜,洁面、化妆水、精华、乳霜通通不用,1片面膜涵盖了所有护肤步骤,简直是懒人护肤的福音。我第一次用它家的晚安面膜,让我测测它的表现究竟如何呢? 🍀先看看它的主要成分 清洁—苹果提取物,苹果酸去除多余角质 保湿—橙油提取物,蜂蜜透明质酸钠让肌肤充分保湿 紧致—洋甘菊提取物、薰衣草提取物,抗菌消炎,修复肌肤 🍀使用方法 将面膜从袋中取出; 铺开面膜,左右拉伸,铺满整个面部,使其紧密贴合; 敷完60秒后取下面膜,可充分按摩使精华液充分吸收。 🍀实际使用感受 这款面膜特别小,千万别吓到,因为它的面膜纸可以拉伸,不过即便拉伸也无法完全覆盖我的大脸。面膜闻起来有淡淡的香味,很好闻,精华液除了面膜纸上没有任何多余,比较服帖。 这款面膜号称懒人福音,不用洗脸直接敷,而且只需要敷1分钟,我个人觉得不洗脸直接敷,清洁应该不会很到位,还是推荐大家洗完脸再敷比较科学。其次,敷很短时间的话,感觉面膜的精华液吸收得不够充分,时间允许的话还是可以多敷几分钟。敷完后,脸部不会特别水嫩嫩,但整体感觉脸部比较润,保湿效果还不错,每天使用的话应该还可以。 推荐度:✨✨✨✨ # 一周瘦身大作战 # 睡前敷个面膜,做做拉伸运动蛮不错的!