# 一周瘦身大作战 # # biore # The first pack is almost finished~ I eat two when I eat too much carbs, I feel less guilt The milk slices are sweet and the yogurt taste is not very obvious It contains white kidney bean extract that inhibits the activity of amylase So it is only useful for carbohydrates of starchy (pasta, potatoes) It has no effect on carbohydrates of various sugars (desserts/chocolate) The principle is shown in Figure 4~
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# 一周瘦身大作战 # # biore # 第一包快吃完啦~ 暴食/碳水吃多的时候会吃两颗 负罪感小一点 奶片甜甜的 酸奶味不是很明显 里面是白芸豆提取物 能够抑制淀粉酶的活性 所以只对淀粉类(面食,土豆)的碳水有用 对各种糖类(甜品/巧克力)的碳水没有作用哦 原理在图四~