# 2021亚米面膜节 #elastic moisturizing, anti-aging and rejuvenating ❤️JM🥑Avocado Hydrating Mask Review Recently, I have bought a lot of JM SOLUTION masks because it is cheap and easy to use. This avocado water light essential oil ampoule has been planted for a long time, and then let me test this mask for babies. 🍀Mask material Made of microfiber mask paper, it is very thin and fits closely to the facial skin. The JM SOLUTION mask gives the impression that the essence is particularly sufficient, and there is usually leftovers, which can be used to wipe the neck and hands, like one! 🍀Main ingredients and efficacy of mask 3-fold hyaluronic acid - forms a moisture protective film and effectively locks in water; 3 kinds of peptide essences - improve skin relaxation, restore skin elasticity and vitality; High-nutrient avocado - rich in vitamin E, anti-aging, shrink pores, and replenish skin nutrition; Moringa seed extract - remove toxins, promote metabolism, prevent skin aging; Wheat sprout extract - tightens the skin and improves skin elasticity. Rosemary Extract - Antioxidant, purifies the skin. 🍀 Overall feeling This avocado mask smells fragrant, the mask paper is very thin, the fit is very good, the essence has a transparent texture, good absorption, no irritation to sensitive skin, after using the mask, the skin is very hydrated, not at all. Sticky feeling, the face still feels soft and tender the next day, the effect is not bad. # 一周瘦身大作战 # Apply on the face, do leg stretching, and get thin every day!
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# 2021亚米面膜节 #弹力保湿,抗老焕发活力❤️JM🥑牛油果水光面膜测评 最近入了好多JM SOLUTION的面膜,因为它家既便宜又好用。这款牛油果水光精油安瓶被种草已久,接下来就让我给宝宝们测评下这款面膜吧。 🍀面膜材质 采用超细纤维面膜纸,十分轻薄,紧密贴合面部肌肤。JM SOLUTION 面膜给人的感觉就是精华液特别充足,一般都会有剩余,可以用来抹脖子和手部,赞一个! 🍀面膜主要成分与功效 3重玻尿酸——形成水分保护膜,强效锁水; 3种胜肽精华— 改善肌肤松弛,恢复肌肤弹力生机; 高营养牛油果— 富含大量维生素e,抗衰老,收缩毛孔,补充肌肤营养; 辣木籽萃取物—排除毒素,促进新陈代谢,防止肌肤老化; 麦苗萃取物— 收紧肌肤,谈话肌肤弹力。 迷迭香萃取物—抗氧化,净化肌肤。 🍀整体感受 这个牛油果面膜闻起来香香的,面膜纸非常细,贴合度非常好,精华液透明质地,吸收度很好,敏感肌无刺激感,用完面膜后,皮肤非常水润,一点也没有没有黏腻感,第二天起来脸部摸起来仍然是水嫩嫩的,效果还不错。 # 一周瘦身大作战 # 敷敷面可,做做腿部拉伸,每天瘦瘦瘦!