# 2021亚米面膜节 #Super moisturizing💦, create supple skin ❤️VT CICA tiger hyaluronic acid super moisturizing mask evaluation I have never heard of the Korean brand VT CICA Tiger. Recently, the Yami Mask Festival has blindly entered. It seems to be a cosmeceutical mask. It is slightly famous for the Centella asiatica soothing mask. This hyaluronic acid mask should be a new product. It is difficult to find any introduction. /shared articles. I have only used it once, and I feel that the effect is not bad. Next, I will share my evaluation of this mask with the babies. 🍀Mask material The mask paper is ultra-thin and large, it fits closely with the face, feels comfortable to the touch, and the essence is very abundant. After applying the face, it can also be used to wipe the neck and hands, like it! 🍀Main ingredients and efficacy of mask The main ingredient is G:H8, which contains 8 kinds of hyaluronic acid complexes and a special moisturizing ingredient polyglutamic acid, which penetrates deeply into the bottom layer of the skin, activates the moisture channel, hydrates layer by layer, and lasting moisturizing. 🍀Suitable for skin type: dry/desert skin/sensitive skin/oily skin 🍀 Overall feeling This tiger hyaluronic acid mask is very compliant, the size is large, and it can fully cover my big face. Its essence is transparent, the amount is very sufficient, and the absorption is also very good. After using the mask, the skin is super hydrated and has a moisturizing effect. It's excellent, and it's not sticky at all, the next day my face still feels soft and supple to the touch, which is great! Although the official recommendation is suitable for dry skin or desert skin, I have mixed oily sensitive skin, it is not allergic and tingling at all, and the moisturizing effect is very good! 🍀Recommendation: 🌟🌟🌟🌟 # 一周瘦身大作战 #
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# 2021亚米面膜节 #超强保湿💦,缔造水嫩肌❤️VT CICA老虎玻尿酸超保湿面膜测评 韩国VT CICA老虎这个牌子没有听过说,最近亚米面膜节盲入的,它家似乎是药妆面膜,稍微出名的是积雪草舒缓面膜,这个玻尿酸面膜应该是新品,很难找到任何介绍/分享的文章。目前才用了一次,感觉效果还不错,接下来给宝宝们分享我对这款面膜的测评吧。 🍀面膜材质 面膜纸超薄,也很大,与面部贴合紧密,触感舒适,精华液非常充足,敷完脸后还可以用来抹脖子和手部,赞一个! 🍀面膜主要成分与功效 主要成分为G:H8, 含8种玻尿酸复合物和特殊保湿成分聚谷氨酸,深入渗入皮肤底层,活化水分通道,层层补水,持久保湿。 🍀适合肤质: 干性/沙漠肌/敏弱肌/外油内干肌肤 🍀整体感受 这款老虎玻尿酸面膜非常服帖,size很大,能全面覆盖我的大脸,它的精华液呈透明状,量十分充足,吸收度也很好,用完面膜后,皮肤超级水润,补水效果非常出色,而且一点也不黏腻,第二天起来脸部摸起来仍然是水嫩嫩的,非常不错!虽然官方推荐适合干性肌肤或者沙漠肌使用,我属于混油敏感肌,用起来一点也不过敏刺痛,补水效果非常赞! 🍀推荐度:🌟🌟🌟🌟 # 一周瘦身大作战 #