# 一周瘦身大作战 # Slimming punch-in braised crucian carp Today's dinner is braised crucian carp. The practice of braised fish can refer to the following methods: 1. Cut three or four shallots into sections, three or four cloves of garlic into slices, seven or eight slices of ginger, and a small spoonful of chopped peppers for use (you can use red peppers instead); 2. Wash the internal organs of the pomfret, make a few cuts on the front and back surfaces of the fish, and dry the water; 3. Pour in more oil than usual for cooking, basically cover the bottom of the pan, heat the oil to 80% hot, put the fish in the pan, fry the front side for 4-5 minutes, and fry the back side for 4-5 minutes (depending on the size of the fish, double The surface is golden brown), put it out for use, and leave the remaining oil in the pot; 4. Put the onion, ginger and garlic slices and chopped peppers into the pot, stir-fry until fragrant, put the fish into the pot again, add a spoonful of cooking wine, a spoonful of soy sauce, a spoonful of oyster sauce, half a spoonful of sugar, and a spoonful of salt and mix well , Pour into a bowl of clear water, the water should not be over the fish, it is enough to reach half the water level of the fish body, remember! 👉 5. After the fire is boiled, turn to medium-low heat and cover the pot and cook for 15-20 minutes. When the water in the pot is almost dry, open the lid. At this time, you can add a little chicken essence (no need to add it), and pour the remaining soup into the fish. On the surface, until the soup is boiled dry, you can serve it! Lastly add some chopped green onions! The fish made by this method, the fish skin is very fragrant because it has been fried, the fish meat is very tender and delicious, it is really delicious 😋🥰 Although you can’t eat too much oil to lose weight, if you are worried about getting fat, don’t eat fish skin, fish meat Rich in protein, eating more is also good for building muscle! # 今日份家常菜 #
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# 一周瘦身大作战 # 瘦身打卡之红烧鲫鱼 今天晚餐是红烧鲫鱼。红烧鱼的做法可参考以下方法: 1. 切三四根葱成段,三四瓣蒜切成片,切七八片姜,一小勺剁辣椒备用(可用红辣椒替代); 2.鲳鱼洗净内脏,往鱼正反表面划几刀,擦干水分; 3.倒入比平时炒菜多一些的油,基本能覆盖锅底,烧热油至八分热,将鱼下锅,正面煎4-5分钟,反面煎4-5分钟(看鱼大小,双面金黄即可),盛出待用,剩余的油留在锅内; 4.将葱姜蒜片与剁辣椒下锅,爆炒出香味,将鱼再次放入锅中,加入一勺料酒、一勺生抽、一勺蚝油、半勺糖、一小勺盐拌匀,倒入一碗清水,水不要过鱼,至鱼身一半水位即可,切记!👉 5.大火烧开后转中小火盖锅煮15-20分钟,到锅里的水快要烧干时开盖,这时候可以加入一点鸡精(没有可不加),将剩余的汤汁浇至鱼的表面,直到汤汁都被烧干可以出锅啦!最后加点葱花摆盘! 这种做法做出来的鱼,鱼皮因为炸过很香,鱼肉很嫩还很入味,真的非常好吃😋🥰虽然瘦身不能吃太多的油,担心胖的话就不吃鱼皮吧,鱼肉蛋白质丰富,多吃点也有利于锻炼肌肉呢! # 今日份家常菜 #